Week 6 | Red Plane1942

I’ve started working on a replica of a game called ”Red Plane 1942”. I’m using the same engine we created in class for the Arkanoid project. What I’ve done this week is to create the basic objects. I made a class called BackgroundObject. It’s basically just a object with a sprite that moves down towards the end of the screen. After it is below the edge it resets above the screen and randomizes a x position. The Player object is always on the samy Y position, when the BackgroundObjects move down they create the illusion of the player flying forward.

So the BackgroundObject class inherits from the base class called Entity. I also started creating a Bullet class wich also inherits from the Entity class. The Bullet class has variables for X and Y direction, speed and damage.

class Bullet : public Entity
 Bullet(float x, float y, Sprite* sprite, int damage, int speed, int xDirection, int yDirection, EType type);

 void Update(float deltatime);
 EType GetType();
 Sprite* GetSprite();
 Collider* GetCollider();
 float GetX();
 float GetY();
 void SetVisibility(bool state);
 bool IsVisible();

 int GetDamage();

 EType m_type;
 Sprite* m_sprite;
 Collider* m_collider;
 float m_x;
 float m_y;
 bool m_visible;

 int m_damage;
 int m_speed;
 int m_xDirection;
 int m_yDirection;

EType is a enum which describes what type of Entity the object is. In this case the bullet has a variable for it because the bullet can be either a playerbullet E_PBULLET or a enemybullet E_EBULLET.

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